Friday, August 6, 2010

Tweet from @1313inc
in order to see me you have to look past the obvious, i am hideing in the obscure waiting for you to look in and say "Hi"
I hope to do something with this blog one day, just can't get inspired on anything

Monday, July 5, 2010

*Movie Review* "The Last Air bender"

To start off I have never watched one episode of Avatar, so I went into the movie with out any bias. This was a really good film I loved the way it was shot the scenes were fantastic, the music really set the mood, and the whole thing was just really enjoyable. My only issues with the film were few, the dialogue was sometimes choppy, and it wasn't the best editing that I have seen. If your going to go see it save the money and just watch the 2D ver. After seeing the movie I went and purchased the DVD for book 2 in hopes I am preparing for a sequel.

First Blog from my phone, just testing it out, how does it look?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

In the Beginning

Like I said this will be about the random thoughts that may come into my mind, or my complaints about different subjects. Right now I have nothing to talk about, just wanted to a post on here.
